Sandra Trott
Sep 7, 20246 min read
Q & A: What is my (pressure based) cue to canter?
Depends on where the horse is at in its training... but in an established horse it is: rattle + bump the inside leg at the girth.
Sandra Trott
Sep 1, 20243 min read
Measuring Stride Tempo
Using a tool like a 'tap metronome' is a great way to quantify your stride horses tempo.
Sandra Trott
Jul 25, 20245 min read
FEI please tell me: What constitutes an abusive method?
The FEI needs to define this before they can start persecuting their people...
Sandra Trott
Jul 16, 20243 min read
Face on the vertical? Yay or nay?
I know I have changed my tune over the years: I wish 'on the vertical' was abolished.