Pregnancy, birth, parenthood...
A crucible you pass through and are forever changed.
Mindsight: our human capacity to perceive the mind of the self and others.
Sometimes we need steady hands to hold our own while we navigate our own changing mind and the developing minds of our children.
I would love to be a pair of those steady hands supporting you on your motherhood mindsight journey.
My own journey has taught me that common 'western' motherhood and parenting education is often unhelpful at best and damaging at worst.
I was (and still am) blessed to be connected with holistic, tribal and evolutionary informed guiding hands, making my journey (although still bumpy) joyous and healing.
Breaking intergenerational family patterns, defying traditional birth and parenting beliefs, learning new skills and staying connected to self, all the while caring for a small developing human can be a lonely road.
I can be one of many people who are available to support you through the tough times.
Please don't shoulder the burden alone.

Who Am I?
I am a registered & insured Australian Counselling Association Level 2 Counsellor (Bach. Counselling)
I also hold a Bachelor of Science (Psychology)
I am a Circle of Security Program and Triple P Parenting Program (Level 4) facilitator.
I have been working with adults, youth and children for 20+ years.
My interest areas are: mental wellbeing, developmental psychology and attachment.
I am an advocate for: natural physiological birth, home birth, co-sleeping & attachment focused discipline strategies.
I address problems with a trauma informed, humanistic, behaviourist & evolutionarily framework.
I am an eligible provider to:
BUPA Health Fund Members
Australian Regional Health Group (ARHG) Health Fund Members

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