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Sandra Trott Equestrian Coach

| Equestrian Support

Have you ever wanted to know what your horse is thinking?

Or why you can't crack that bad habit?

Chasing that quiet, gentle connection with yourself and your horse?

Frustrated with 'traditional' methods and techniques?


I want to help you 'speak, think and understand' both yourself and your horse. 



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My Approach
Who Am I?
  • I am both a fully qualified and insured holistic therapist and horse trainer.

  • I work from a humanistic, behaviourist and evolutionary informed framework.

  • I have been coaching and horse training for 20+ years.

  • I offer you a hybrid model of coaching, training and riding that brings together the most current scientific knowledge AND 'real world' expertise.

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What is ‘Equitation Science’?


Just like psychological science is interested in the study of human behaviour, psychology and mental process; equitation science is interested in the study of equine behaviour, psychology, mental process and biomechanics.








Equitation science is interested in: ~ The behavioural mechanisms that provide the foundation for horse and human relationships, ~ The measurement and interpretation of interactions between horses and riders, ~ It describes the FIRST EVER training system totally based on ‘learning theory’ (a well established and verified concept of human behavioural psychology); and ~ Explores the welfare consequences of training and competing with horses under different disciplines and conditions. * Not to be confused with 'Equine Science' which is about the generalised study of horses, equitation science zones in on training and management specifically.

My Approach

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Goomeri, Queensland, AUS


© 2023 Sandra Trott

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